Holy Saturday
Saturday mornings are for sleeping in. They’re for lazy traipses into the living room only to plop back down on the couch and submit …
“There is a crack in everything
that’s how the light gets in.”
– Leonard Cohen
Saturday mornings are for sleeping in. They’re for lazy traipses into the living room only to plop back down on the couch and submit …
There was a time that I could sleep until 2pm in the afternoon. No breaks, no getting up to let the dog out, no …
Four inches. That’s one inch for each season over the last twelve months- Fall, Winter, Spring, and finally Summer. He was devastated when he …
There are a lot of big things to be thankful for. My parents, my family, my church, my friendships. And I’m sure that I …
I sat around a craft table filled with my other 7 year old classmates. I vividly remember sitting around that crayon crusted table with Krista …