Vocal Cassette Recorders
I loved the movie Super 8 and the Netflix sensation Stranger Things. It wasn’t even the stories- they were rehashed sci-fi go-to’s with brilliant …
“The business of the writer is to show the sorriness underlying the grandest things and the grandeur underlying the sorriest things.” – Thomas Hardy
I loved the movie Super 8 and the Netflix sensation Stranger Things. It wasn’t even the stories- they were rehashed sci-fi go-to’s with brilliant …
In every nightmare that I remember as a kid, either I or someone that I loved died. It was either a car accident, or …
I am the biggest movie fan that I know. I have a couple of friends that I talk with about them a lot. It’s …
My brothers and sister and I made up a lot of games when we were kids. We were the last generation without video games, …
I remember a few things from seventh grade. It was there that Mrs. Norton, my English teacher, made me fall in love with literature …