7th grade was the greatest year of my life. At least up until that point. For an extrovert, my class size just increased exponentially. …
“The business of the writer is to show the sorriness underlying the grandest things and the grandeur underlying the sorriest things.” – Thomas Hardy
7th grade was the greatest year of my life. At least up until that point. For an extrovert, my class size just increased exponentially. …
She tries to furrow her brow, eyes squint, lips pursed. “Like this,” I say. I pull my right eyebrow down as I lift my …
I can name about three memories before 2nd grade. My brother Adam being born. Getting chased on the playground by some girls in kindergarten. …
It never took much to make her laugh. She said that her dad made her laugh all of the time and that she admired …
For some unknown reason, I’m fascinated by technology lately. Not current technology, but upcoming technology. I read that by the year 2030 (which sounds …