Liar, Liar Pants on Fire
I was told when I was a kid to not ever ride a motorcycle. So, around nine years old I rode a motorcycle. I …
“The business of the writer is to show the sorriness underlying the grandest things and the grandeur underlying the sorriest things.” – Thomas Hardy
I was told when I was a kid to not ever ride a motorcycle. So, around nine years old I rode a motorcycle. I …
I had an epiphany. Not quite Moses’s burning bush, maybe a little closer to Merton’s on the corner of Fourth and Walnut. But that’s …
I only met Glenda once. “I really want you to meet my mom before we get married.” It was a request from my fiancé …
There’s a commercial on television where a love-struck guy saves all of the chewing gum wrappers from a girl that he likes for years. …
I still haven’t caught up on all of the text messages, facebook posts and messages, voicemails, and cards. I haven’t had time to think …